December 25 is celebrated as Christmas or the birth of Jesus Christ by
Christians around the world. Christmas coincides with the return of the Sun at
winter solstice in an astrological sense. The relationship between Astrology
and the birth of Jesus Christ has been well established by the fact that a
"Star" guided the three wise-men who were travelling in search of the
New King. It is said that the star would have been nothing but a cluster of
stars with the bright Jupiter at the centre.
The exact year of the birth of Jesus is not known clearly as there have
been no solid recorded evidences to prove the same. However it has been
concluded by astrologers around the world that Jesus would have born anywhere
between 5 and 7 BC by working backwards from the period of Crucifixion of the
Lord. Some astrologers claim that Jesus was born on March 1st in the year 7 BC,
at 1:21 a.m. in Bethlehem.
Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn which are likely to be the guiding star were in the sign of Pisces during the birth of Jesus. Of course the Piscean traits of compassion and forgiveness were found in Jesus Christ. The period also shows a grand trine that links Venus, Neptune and Moon with Jupiter and Saturn. This relationship marks a period of heightened spirituality in the world down here. In present age we are shifting from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.
The zodiac symbol Virgo represents Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ.
On December 25 at the first hour, Virgo ascends above the horizon . It is
significant that Virgo be ascending as the ascension of the Lord is very
significant in Christianity.
Some Astrologer have concluded that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Judea on March 1, 7 BC (Julian) at 1:30 AM. This birth chart has a six planet stellium in Pisces with five oppositions to Pluto and five trines to Neptune.
Key times for celebration in ancient Roman period were the cardinal points
of the seasons, the solstices in June and December and the equinoxes in March
and October. These periods measured seasons, the sowing and reaping of crops.
The solstice at Christmas time marks the entry of the Sun into the sign of
Capricorn whose Lord is Saturn. On this day the Sun appears to halt over the
tropic of Capricorn for three days and then begins its journey North.
In the Roman period, Saturn was worshipped and celebrated as “Saturnalia”
which coincided with the winter solstice. Around the 4th century AD, it was
reset to be celebrated on December 25th. Later on the church decided to keep
December 25th as the official date of the birth of Jesus.
For the ancient Romans, Saturnalia was joyous celebration of the Saturn God. At some point in time, the holy day of Saturnalia had also been tied into being a celebration of the rebirth of the Sun - and, as such, Saturnalia was held each year about the time of the "winter solstice." In 4th Century AD, the Roman emperor at the time "officially" reset Saturnalia to be celebrated on December the 25th Shortly thereafter, the Church Fathers likewise set the official date for celebrating the birth of Jesus as being December the 25th.
Merry Christmas!!