Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Online Kundali Milan Tips for a Successful Life

Astrology is a pseudoscience dealing with the position of planets , moon and star and their consequent affect on the life of an individual.Astrology is believed to be the universal whisperings uttered to man .Only the ones who know the art of deciphering the eternal codes can empathise with the magnificence of it. We at Mazzaroth uncover the mysteries of your life.The astrology system we work on is Nadi Astrology.

What is Nadi Astrology?
Nadi astrology is Hindu predictive astrology dividing a zodiac  into parts and subparts to study the future.
The salient Features of Nadi Astrology are:
*A zodiac is divided into 12 parts called 'Nakstara '.Nakshatra  is further divided into 12 unequal subparts called 'Sub lords'.
*Astrologers emphasise more on sub-lords as it has greater affect on a person than Nakshatra. Consequently Nakshatra is more powerful in determining a persons future than the planet.
*The ancient learnings and hundreds of years of experience has shown that this tri system is more accurate as compared to sunshine system.
*Nirvana Bhava , Chalit and Lagan chart are formulated keeping this system in consideration.These charts help in predicting different attributes of a person's life like heath ,wealth, marital compatibility etc. Astrology predictions by date of birth and time different spheres of an individuals life.
*It takes into consideration date of birth and birth time to predict the astrology of an individual.
Our report also includes the preventive and curative measures like wearing a gemstone, repetition of mantras ,poja and yagya.

* Match Making Report or Kundali Milan for marriage:

According to Hindu Mythology couples destined to marry each other  are decided by god.It is just the pursuit of finding your soulmate that is in the hand of an Individual.We are sure you don't want to make a mistake of mistaking your better half. We at mazzaoath provide you with a precise and accurate match making report also known as Kundali Milan.
The nuances we stress on are:
*Long Life of your partner
*Good Health and comparability with you.
*Horoscope positivity for child Birth
*Should be compassionate and good natured
*Should have good professional attributes.

We provide detailed information of all the above nuances in the Kundali Milan Report along with Gun Milan and Manglik Consideration.

* Life Prediction Report:
Life prediction report covers the following spheres of your life
Your probable inclination for education, predictable success in carious foreign university examinations .It also gives an account of your intelligence level , scholorships etc.
It gives a detailed account of you litigation association like timing of imprisonment if any.Any political confinement etc.
An account of the major purches like house , location of house ,car purchase,colour of the car,mode of purchase etc.
*Financial and career prospects:
Sector of job, time and place of job ,nature of next job etc are predicted under it.
*Other aspects like marriage, children ,travel prospects,  health etc are also taken into consideration.

We predict your wellbeing to you with maximum assurance.We understand the fact the knowing the probables pre hand can make the situation more fruitful.We tell you the path you ought to be more successful following.