Monday, 28 September 2015

What is difference between Horoscope by Indian Astrologer and Sun Signs Reading?

Rational Explanation about Astrology: 

Astrology is a science, which links the cosmos and humans in a pattern that can be unlocked. The science deals with the impact of heavenly bodies orbiting the Sun, on humans and in circumference of Earth. Astrology is generally known as a divine science, where the planets, signs, and constellations within a span of 360 degrees are drawn in a pattern. The pattern is known as birth chart, which comprises of 12 houses. Each house has specific meaning and looks after different aspect of life. It deals with revealing the karmic destiny of a native, guide the soul to higher consciousness, and motivate to improve self on planetary indications. 

Astrology predictions by date of birth and time is not about ‘Sun Signs’, which can be easily found in any magazine or newspaper column. It’s more than that and takes into consideration the entire solar system. All these pointers like planets, Zodiac signs, constellations and rising ascendant are calculated on the basis of your birth time. So, it gives a snapshot of the planets, which were making impact on you at the time of birth. It doubtlessly give answer to all your queries related to future, can decode past, and give remedies to improve present situations. 

What are the main points in a birth chart? 

1. Rising Sign (birth ascendant calculated taking your complete birth date, birth time, and birth place)
2.  Moon Sign (the Zodiac Sign where Moon was in transit during the time of your birth)
3.   Sun Sign (the solar month when you were born)
4.  Placement of 9 planets (as per Zodiac signs, houses, and constellations)
5.  Conjunction or any combination of planets (evaluating are those combination good or bad)

Note: Good combinations can give rise, authority, fame, rewards, wealth, good married life and all goodness of life. Whereas, bad combination can give ill effects, hardships, obstacles, sufferings, health issues or conflicts. 

Remedies are always recommended by astrologer practicing Indian Astrology. The remedies are effective solutions that can eradicate many of your problems. The remedies can be based on ‘Vedic Rituals, gem stones, color therapy, donation, spiritual practice, and holistic healing’. 

12 Zodiac Signs & Symbols to remember:
1.  Aries (Ram)
2. Taurus (Bull)
3. Gemini (Twins)
4. Cancer (Crab)
5. Leo (Lion)
6. Virgo (Virgin Girl)
7. Libra (Balance)
8. Scorpio (Insect with poisonous tail “Scorpius”)
9. Sagittarius (half man & half animal “Centaur”)
10. Capricorn (Mountain Goat)
11. Aquarius (Water Bearer)
12. Pisces (Fishes)

 For more details on your Kundali Milan For Marriage contact ‘The Mazzaroth’ and get accurate insight into your future. You can also visit their official website.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

The important houses for Wealth and their Meaning in Astrology

Wealth is an important criterion in life; and everybody is trying to grab it. However, we all are anxious about the proportion of wealth we can accumulate and what future holds. People often consult astrologers and take the help of astrology to decode their future wealth potential from horoscope. One must avail the best astrologer in Delhi proffered by ‘The Mazzaroth’. The astrologers at ‘Mazzaroth’ will delineate your horoscope in a holistic way from ‘Nadi and Vedic Astrology Principles’.

Best astrologer in Delhi

Today, the experts at ‘Mazzaroth’ are sharing some wealth combinations that can lead to being rich. The experts share the dictum of ‘ancient science to check the reasons for wealth in one’s own life’. These are excerpts from the astrologer’s diary…

Important House for Wealth (houses that rules wealth, money, gains, luck, and income):
  • The first wealth house is 2nd and it stands for accumulated wealth. The house also rules valuable items, jewelry, hoarded wealth, savings, family wealth, possessions, and family wealth.
  • The second house to check is 11th and it stands for income. The house also rules profits, gains, receipts, market gains, and gains from network.
  • 5th house is the house of purva punya and is also a laxmi sthan (house of Goddess of Wealth). It also rules speculation, lotteries, windfalls, and entertainment or creative pursuits from money point of view.
  • 9th is considered the house of luck and is blessed by Goddess Laxmi. It rules lady luck, fortune, Astrological Gemstone Recommendation, paternal wealth, divine blessings, and extremely lucky in all endeavors.

It’s in principle that whenever, these wealth making houses ‘2, 5, 9, and 11’ makes any combination in chart by conjunction, aspect or sign placement, it leads to wealth yoga. Wealth yoga is also known as ‘Dhana Yoga’. They are superb combination that indicates wealth in a native’s life. But, the most important point is to evaluate ‘Lagna and Lagna Lord’. For all yogas to fructify the Lagna has to be strong with its lord being powerful. If, the lord of Lagna also known as birth ascendant lord makes any connection with the wealth giving houses or its lords; it guarantees good income and wealth. Even, wealth combinations taking place in ascendant is highly desirable and will fructify in once lifetime. In Nadi astrology, however Venus has been given high importance and is known as karaka of wealth. Jupiter is the karaka of self in Nadi for males. So, when these two planets make connection it’s desirable from wealth point of view.

For more information you can visit the official website of ‘The Mazzaroth’ and also take professional consultation from their experts.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

How can you get your horoscope made by an Indian astrologer?

At some point of life, every person experiences trying moments that call for a lot of fortitude and will power. The future looks bleak and one wishes to get a peek into the times ahead. Sometimes, one may get caught up in such a tricky situation that only a miracle can be the solution. These moments make one ask questions about his life and future. These can be answered with the help of astrology.

Astrology is a scientific study of the positions of different celestial bodies in connection with the birth of a human being and their movements throughout his life. It has been brought down to us from the Vedas and a substantial part of today’s astrological studies constitutes of Vedic astrology. It is an important subject of astrological remedies for career and many people in India build their careers on it. These people are astrologers who can make accurate predictions about the course of a person’s life on the basis of certain calculations regarding the movement of celestial bodies. They make charts and compile all data about the positions at the time of the birth of a person in a record called horoscope.

What is a horoscope?
Indian astrologers believe that the life of a person is governed by the positions of different planets, sun and the moon at a certain time. All the calculations regarding these movements are recorded in his horoscope. Also called the birth chart, horoscope of a person is made by qualified astrologers as per the time of his birth. It contains charts showing the position of different celestial bodies like the planets, sun, moon etc. and calculations regarding their significant movements throughout his life.Based on these movements, they predict the best path a person can take to avoid hurdles and problems in his life. The more accurate these calculations, the better are the predictions.

horoscope by Indian astrologer

In India, reading horoscope and making predictions based on these calculations is very popular. Indian astrologers have accurate methods to read the horoscope and forecast events in a person’s life. It is a common practice to approach an astrologer at the time of distress. Astrologers help the person understand the reason of his problem and also suggest solutions of these problems. They believe that certain procedures, poojas, fasting etc. can help in appeasing particular planets and help in solving the problem. Apart from this, horoscopes are made and read at the time of birth of a baby. Parents get to know about the general course their child is going to take in his life and whether any specific precautions need to be taken.

How to get a horoscope?
You can also get a horoscope by Indian astrologer. It is easy to find an astrologer at any Hindu temple. All temples have poojaris who take care of the deity’s worship and service. Almost all of them have the knowledge to make horoscopes. Ancient temples have learned and experienced astrologers whose calculations are very precise, giving accurate predictions.

Other than these poojaris, many professional astrology services in Delhi is also available. A little search can reveal plenty of astrology centers that help in making horoscopes. You can also get your horoscope made by expert astrologers available through astrology websites. They not only help you in making your birth chart but also provide accurate forecasts that can help you get out of your dilemma. You can interact with these astrologers through the website and find solutions for your problems.

Indian astrologers

Indian astrology is a 7000 year old science and not many research studies have been able to entirely prove its authenticity. Yet, fact remains that almost all Indians get their horoscopes made by an astrologer and more or less trust what he tells them.