Tuesday, 25 August 2015

The important houses for Wealth and their Meaning in Astrology

Wealth is an important criterion in life; and everybody is trying to grab it. However, we all are anxious about the proportion of wealth we can accumulate and what future holds. People often consult astrologers and take the help of astrology to decode their future wealth potential from horoscope. One must avail the best astrologer in Delhi proffered by ‘The Mazzaroth’. The astrologers at ‘Mazzaroth’ will delineate your horoscope in a holistic way from ‘Nadi and Vedic Astrology Principles’.

Best astrologer in Delhi

Today, the experts at ‘Mazzaroth’ are sharing some wealth combinations that can lead to being rich. The experts share the dictum of ‘ancient science to check the reasons for wealth in one’s own life’. These are excerpts from the astrologer’s diary…

Important House for Wealth (houses that rules wealth, money, gains, luck, and income):
  • The first wealth house is 2nd and it stands for accumulated wealth. The house also rules valuable items, jewelry, hoarded wealth, savings, family wealth, possessions, and family wealth.
  • The second house to check is 11th and it stands for income. The house also rules profits, gains, receipts, market gains, and gains from network.
  • 5th house is the house of purva punya and is also a laxmi sthan (house of Goddess of Wealth). It also rules speculation, lotteries, windfalls, and entertainment or creative pursuits from money point of view.
  • 9th is considered the house of luck and is blessed by Goddess Laxmi. It rules lady luck, fortune, Astrological Gemstone Recommendation, paternal wealth, divine blessings, and extremely lucky in all endeavors.

It’s in principle that whenever, these wealth making houses ‘2, 5, 9, and 11’ makes any combination in chart by conjunction, aspect or sign placement, it leads to wealth yoga. Wealth yoga is also known as ‘Dhana Yoga’. They are superb combination that indicates wealth in a native’s life. But, the most important point is to evaluate ‘Lagna and Lagna Lord’. For all yogas to fructify the Lagna has to be strong with its lord being powerful. If, the lord of Lagna also known as birth ascendant lord makes any connection with the wealth giving houses or its lords; it guarantees good income and wealth. Even, wealth combinations taking place in ascendant is highly desirable and will fructify in once lifetime. In Nadi astrology, however Venus has been given high importance and is known as karaka of wealth. Jupiter is the karaka of self in Nadi for males. So, when these two planets make connection it’s desirable from wealth point of view.

For more information you can visit the official website of ‘The Mazzaroth’ and also take professional consultation from their experts.

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